Underground Chat Room
No Specific day or time (Check back later)
Watch This Video FIRST - Click Here
(Times may change and vary - watch the video above)
Zoom Chat Room
(make sure you match your time with ours)
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85790746046
Meeting ID: 857 9074 6046
There are several ways to join our Chat Room:
If you already have the app installed
on your computer or phone -
Just click the link below
If you need to download the app
or if you are joining for the first time
follow these steps.
1. Join through the website - Click here
2. Download the App - Click here
3. By Phone - Click here
The link below is for Both Days
Remember, there are several ways to join us.
You will need the Link or the meeting ID:
(this can change sometimes)
If you have the app already on your
computer or phone then here is the
current meeting ID and link
Join Zoom Meeting
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85790746046
Meeting ID: 857 9074 6046
Other important info:
Once you enter the meeting ID or click Join,
you may be placed in a waiting area for
a moment until you are allowed in.
Please, be patient.
Also, we are using the Live-Streaming
on You-tube more than the
Chat Room. So, be sure to check
our live streaming info to
join us there also.
Click Here for Live-Streaming Info
Click here to download the Zoom App.
Join by Phone:
Join by phone only from anywhere
in the World (Click Here)
(You will need the Meeting ID)
Please, make sure you know what our teachings
are before you join our Sunday Chat Room.
Click here to see our Teachings